General Course Info

Official Classes

Each matriculated (degree candidate) student is considered to enroll in one of eight classes, according to the number of credits that have been earned.

 Class     Credits
 Lower Freshman      0 – 14.9
 Upper Freshman    15 – 29.9
 Lower Sophomore  30 – 44.9
 Upper Sophomore  45 – 59.9
 Lower Junior   60 – 74.9
 Upper Junior  75 – 89.9
 Lower Senior  90 –104.9
 Upper Senior   105 or more

Maximum Number of Courses in a Term 

Undergraduate students who are not on academic probation may register for up to 18 credits without additional permission in the fall and spring term. Juniors and seniors with grade point averages of 3.30 or higher may request to add one course beyond these limits by contacting the Registrar's Office. (Students should consult the tuition and fee schedule regarding additional tuition charges when exceeding 18 credits).  Deans, Chairs, and Major Coordinators may also request an exception to the credit-limit policy for graduating students.
During the summer term, students can register for up to 14 credits. However, no student may exceed 7 credits in any one five-week or eight-week session. In the three-week summer sessions and the winter session, students are limited to one course.  Students may take a 1-credit physical education activity course above these limits by contacting the Registrar's Office.
When making decisions about course load, students are encouraged to take into account factors like employment and family responsibilities and to register for the number of courses in which they can reasonably expect to do well. Students should plan to spend at least two hours on coursework outside of class for every hour they spend in class.

Maximum Course Substitutions

Undergraduate students who are not on academic probation may register for up to 18 credits without additional permission in the fall and spring term.  Juniors and seniors with grade point averages of 3.30 or higher may request to add one course beyond these limits by contacting the Registrar's Office. (Students should consult the tuition and fee schedule regarding additional tuition charges when exceeding 18 credits).  Deans, Chairs, and Major Coordinators may also request an exception to the credit-limit policy for graduating students.
During the summer term, students can register for up to 14 credits. However, no student may exceed 7 credits in any one five-week or eight-week session. In the three-week summer sessions and the winter session, students are limited to one course.  Students may take a 1-credit physical education activity course above these limits by contacting the Registrar's Office.
When making decisions about course load, students are encouraged to take into account factors like employment and family responsibilities and to register for the number of courses in which they can reasonably expect to do well. Students should plan to spend at least two hours on coursework outside of class for every hour they spend in class.

Students on Academic Probation

Students who are on academic probation are limited to four or fewer courses by the Academic Review Committee and are not permitted to take courses in summer session.

Course Prerequisites

Students must first fulfill the prerequisites specified for any course before they may register for it.  The prerequisites required as preparation for coursework at a more advanced level are included in Chapter 2, Courses Offered of this undergraduate bulletin.

Note: English 101 is a prerequisite for all courses at the 200-level while English 102 or English 201 is a prerequisite for all courses at the 300-level or above.

Permission to register for a course without first fulfilling its prerequisite(s) may be granted only when a course description specifies that permission of the section instructor may be granted for that purpose.  In the absence of the section instructor, the chairperson of the department (or his or her designee) may authorize the prerequisite waiver.  Prerequisites may be waived only if, in the judgment of the section instructor (or the chairperson of the department or the latter’s designee), the student is academically prepared for the more advanced course.  The English prerequisites may only be waived by the Dean for Undergraduate Studies.

If a course is required in a major or is part of the college general education requirements, the student must take the course eventually, even if it was waived as a prerequisite for a particular course.

Overall Credit Limitation

Students who have completed 144 or more credits or who have registered for 20 or more semesters will not be permitted to register without the approval of the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management.  Such students must develop, with the Assistant Vice President, a plan to complete their degree requirements.  They will be permitted to register only for those courses required for fulfillment of degree requirements.